The University of Southampton

Ramadan advice and support for all

The holy month of fasting for Muslims – Ramadan – begins soon from Saturday 2 April to Sunday 1 May in the UK, depending on the sighting of the moon.  

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It is a sacred time for worshipping Allah (Arabic word for God), offering an opportunity for devotion, reflection and celebration of the mercy and love of Allah.  

Throughout this month, Muslims abstain from eating or drinking every day from dawn to sunset (unless exempt due to health or other personal circumstances) and are encouraged to increase their good deeds and worship, from acts of charity and extra prayers to improving behaviours and mannerisms such as generosity, kindness, patience, and forgiveness. 

It can be a challenge to manage academic duties while observing Ramadan so you may find the following guidance on staying well and support useful. 

Photo of dates and nuts in a bowl with a lit lantern to the side.

Staying healthy 

  • Changes in sleep patterns may be a struggle during the first few days of fasting. Try to be disciplined about sleeping habits or take a nap in the day when you can (which was also a practice of the Prophet Muhammed).
  • Drink plenty of water and liquids between iftar (breaking of the fast) and suhoor (meal eaten before dawn) to keep your body well hydrated throughout the day and to avoid dehydration.
  • Try to eat a balanced diet and foods encouraged in the Sunnah (teachings of the Prophet). Avoid overindulging and try to include high protein foods, fibre, and complex carbohydrates, which will help to keep you fuller for longer. You may find the following advice from the NHS Communities in Action helpful.
  • Start studying or revising early or at various times throughout the day. Remember to take regular breaks from your screen and get some fresh air.
  • Try not to overwhelm yourself with too many studious tasks; prepare a realistic Ramadan planner before the month starts. 


Available support 

  • The Student Hub will continue to be available 24/7 by email, phone or online chat over the break – whether you are in Southampton or not. You can also still book one-to-one wellbeing chats, which can be in person or via Microsoft Teams. Visit The Student Hub website for more information about available support. 
  • For any academic support or to discuss any difficulties that may affect your course progress, please reach out to your Personal Academic Tutor.
  • For any Islamic faith guidance, please contact our Muslim Faith Advisor, Dr Aiman Alzetami, via email at [email protected] 


Get involved 

Breaking the fast on Highfield campus – The Islamic Society will be hosting free iftars every day, as well as their own Taraweeh prayers in the Muslim Prayer Room. Find out more on the UoS Islamic Society website. 

Fast-a-thon The Student Engagement Team and Islamic Society will be planning a day of fasting on Tuesday 26 April, open to all students and staff, with a celebration dinner afterwards in Garden Court. Find out more about the Fast-a-thon on the Student Events SharePoint. 


Further information

Our partners at Inclusive Employers have prepared a Ramadan Guidance 2022 document to provide information and advice specifically for colleagues and friends to support our Muslim peers during this important holy month. They have also put together a fun Ramadan quiz for you to test your knowledge. 

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