The University of Southampton

Future Ways of Working: New hybrid meeting equipment in pilot areas

The pandemic brought about the most significant change in working practices for a generation. In the face of this challenge, our staff and students have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability but have fed back via surveys and forums that our current technology is a block to effective hybrid working.

As part of the Future Ways of Working pilots, the programme has worked closely with iSolutions to identify new technology to support hybrid meetings.

What has been introduced?

The programme’s pilots are trialling technologies such as Teams Rooms devices and interactive screens to support quality hybrid meetings. We have introduced this hybrid meeting equipment into five rooms in Building 37, including the Boardroom 4051, and three rooms in Building 46, Physics and Astronomy.

iSolutions are also working closely with faculties to identify one meeting room per faculty to install hybrid meeting equipment during the current academic year.

Testing and gathering feedback

We need to be sure that the equipment improves our colleague’s experience of hybrid meetings before we roll it out to the wider University. Over the upcoming weeks and months, pilot participants are testing and evaluating this new technology and will be providing valuable feedback.

Planning and purchasing hybrid meeting equipment

iSolutions are also working directly with faculties and schools to identify tailored solutions to support hybrid meetings in each area and will be informed by the outputs from the testing in the pilots.

Find out more 

Visit the Future Ways of Working SharePoint to find out more about the programme’s timescales and view guidance and resources to support hybrid working whilst the pilots are ongoing.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with [email protected].

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