The University of Southampton

Student Safety SharePoint site is now live

The Student Safety SharePoint Site, an online platform for students produced in partnership with Hampshire Police, is now live. 

Student Safety Site: official, reliable information on how to keep safe while at University. This text is accompanied by the University of Southampton and Hampshire Police logos, as well as an image of a policeman standing next to the Guildhall in Southampton.

The new platform hosts official, reliable information to help you stay safe on campus and in the local community while studying at the University. The webpages focus on issues selected by Hampshire Police, which can be viewed on the homepage. 

For each issue, there is preventative advice, how and where to report it should it ever occur, as well as where to access support if students ever need it. This includes support from Hampshire Police, the University of Southampton, and various external organisations and charities. 

Kieron Broadhead, Executive Director of Student Experience and Campus Life at the University of Southampton, said: “We are proud to launch the Student Safety Site today – the result of a productive, ongoing partnership between our University and Hampshire Police. 

“As a platform delivering key information about general safety concerns, the site is an incredibly useful resource for our student community. 

“This project highlights that, at the University of Southampton, the safety of our students always comes first, and that we will do everything we can to support them. We will continue to collaborate closely with Hampshire Police to help prevent our students from becoming victims of crime, and to highlight the support available to them.” 

Addressing students, the Crime Prevention Advisors team at Hampshire Police said: “Hampshire Police and the University of Southampton have created a strong partnership to ensure your time living and studying in the city is a safe and enjoyable experience. Your safety and security are of the utmost importance to us and so we have put together some tips and advice for things you can do to help stay safe, keep your property secure, and who you can turn to should you need help and support.” 

Start exploring the information available on the new Student Safety SharePoint site. 

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