The University of Southampton

Tuesday is the last chance to make it SO!

As the judging panel move closer to deciding who will become City of Culture 2025 we are asking our University community to join in and celebrate Southampton.

On Tuesday 24 May Southampton will be featured in a special report on BBC’s The One Show at 7pm. During the show the bid team are asking people to take to your social media platforms to celebrate and shout about Southampton.

The bid team have shared three ways you can get involved on social media tomorrow.

  1. HAND SIGN: Make the S and/or an O with your hands and share it on your socials #MakeitSO #CityofCulture2025 #DCMS
  2. OVER 150 LANGUAGES: In Southampton, there are over 150 languages including British Sign Language – we would love to share “Make it SO” in as many of the city’s languages as possible. Here is an example in the Bemba language.
  3. MAKE IT SO YOU: Create and share what you want to celebrate about Southampton’s culture and cultures.

Please do feel free to interact with the BBC One Show’s Twitter (@BBCTheOneShow) and please do remember all of the important hashtags #MakeitSO #CityofCulture2025 #DCMS.

As one of the earliest partners of the city’s bid to become 2025 city of culture The University has provided substantial support through our venues and staff team, but also importantly through our research. Professor Fraser Sturt has led on the research that underpins the city’s bid.

Bhupinder Siran, Chair of the University of Southampton’s BAME Network, has expressed his enjoyment at being involved in the bid:

“As both a proud Sotonian and a member of the University of Southampton, I was very fortunate to host an event to celebrate the city and hear about the university’s pivotal role in strengthening our position to become the City of Culture 2025.  I was also able to share some of my thoughts on BBC Radio, in which I couldn’t help but express my excitement and overwhelming feeling of pride in the city and all those involved.  The bid has galvanised everyone to come together in a way that I don’t think has happened before. Whichever way the outcome goes, the foundation for great things has been built and the resulting opportunities are ours for the taking.”

Anna O’Neill, Director of Library Services and Arts Strategy, has provided support to the bid team as a Trustee:

“As someone who both lives and works in Southampton I am very proud to be a Trustee of the Southampton 2025 bid. As well as uniting and amplifying the huge amount of cultural talent in our city, City of Culture is an amazing opportunity for our students. Not only will they be able to participate in an amazing programme of cultural activity they will have opportunities to develop their skills, grow their CVs and showcase their talent. City of Culture isn’t just for one year – with three years of planning, one year of delivery and a long lasting legacy – it is a huge opportunity. Our bid is strong but whatever the outcome we are still winners as the city wide commitment to delivery, endorsed by our VC, means whatever the outcome we will still #MakeitSO.”

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