The University of Southampton

Refugee week 20-26 June, and University of Sanctuary

Founded in 1998, Refugee Week is a UK-wide festival, which this year runs from 20-26 June. To mark this, we have ways you can get involved from attending events, to joining the new Staff Sanctuary Network – part of our bid to become a University of Sanctuary. We also have additional support for those hosting refugees and sanctuary seekers.


  • Tony Kushner, Professor in the Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations and History Department at the University of Southampton, will be talking at the University of Southampton TEDx on Saturday 18 June.
  • Professor Kushner, in partnership with October Books will host Migrant Southampton – a walking tour of the city, covering many migrant historical points from medieval ages to post second world war. This free event is accessible to those with mobility issues and will begin at 2:30 on Sunday 26 June.
  • Developing a Trauma-informed Approach training 11:00-12:30 Tuesday 21 June. This training session offers colleagues the opportunity to learn more about post-traumatic stress and how it affects us (those seeking or granted asylum, plus those supporting them) and what we can do to address it.


The Widening Participation and Social Mobility team have been developing refugee welcome packs for primary aged school children. These packs are to help children and their families settle in to life in Southampton. You can request a welcome pack from [email protected], or you could visit Southampton City Library who will be receiving stock soon.

If you are hosting refugees, a family or an individual, email  [email protected] to find out if there are further support or resources the team can provide.

Colleagues who are hosting refugees can also use the extended special leave provision.

Becoming a University of Sanctuary and how you can get involved.

Our University has embarked on a initiative to become a University of Sanctuary – with plans to submit our bid this autumn.

Universities of Sanctuary is an international network committed to making Higher Education institutions a place of solidarity and safety for those seeking sanctuary. As part of this scheme we will launch two annual scholarships for those in receipt of asylum support, provide further support for our colleagues and students, as well as champion the importance of welcome and inclusivity. We’ll be working closely with local and international partners to help achieve these aims.

Join the Staff Sanctuary Network.

We are inviting colleagues from all areas of our University community to join a Staff Sanctuary Network. This Network of volunteers will be integral to ensuring that we as a university provide a welcoming environment both for Sanctuary scholars, for asylum seekers and refugees in Southampton. It will work with Southampton City of Sanctuary to link the city and university as sites of Sanctuary, support the aims of the initiative and organise events for Refugee Week.

If you are interested in being involved, please contact [email protected] to find out more.


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