The University of Southampton

COVID campus update

*A message from Wendy Appleby, Vice-President (Operations)*

The University's logo outside the Mountbatten building

Dear Colleagues,

As we approach the end of the academic year, I wanted to provide an update on the upcoming and ongoing measures and planning to limit the transmission of COVID and seasonal illnesses in our community.

The following guidance applies to the University as a whole, but for certain areas (such as clinical and medical), local guidance will be in place and you should speak to your line manager if you have questions on these.

  • We have removed guidance around wearing face coverings in our buildings, and this is now a matter of personal choice. However, please continue to be respectful and considerate of those that choose to wear them –  each individual circumstance will be different, and there are different comfort levels around “living with COVID”. I encourage you to have open conversations with colleagues and teams about this, so we continue to demonstrate the same care and consideration that has been so evident over the last two years. Signage will be removed over the summer and stored in case we have future need of it.
  • It is important to remember that many colleagues and students will be travelling to and from countries where there are increased measures still in place, and who may feel more comfortable continuing to wear face coverings, amongst other measures.
  • Stay at home if you feel unwell – whether this is due to COVID like symptoms or not.
  • Maintain good hand hygiene – this is a simple precaution we can all take to help prevent the spread of illnesses. The University will continue to provide hand sanitiser in our buildings.
  • Perspex screens in some lecture theatres will, for the time being, stay in place. Screens in retail spaces and buses will also stay in place.
  • The Estates and Facilities teams continue to monitor and maintain ventilation systems, prioritising spaces in-line with legislation, best practice and health and safety guidance.
  • Estates and Facilities will also continue with processes put in place over the last two years to maximise natural and mechanical ventilation.
  • We encourage all our community to get vaccinated if you have not already done so, including any booster jabs that may become available.

As we enjoy the summer weather, it is easy to forget that autumn and winter will, as always, see an increase in seasonal illnesses. It is important we take the learnings from the last two years to help reduce transmission of illnesses in our community. As we know, situations can change quickly and we of course have preparations in place should we need to adjust our guidance and measures later in the year.

Our community has risen above and beyond to protect and support our colleagues and students over the last two years – from those working on our campuses each day to those juggling remote working and caring responsibilities. I thank you all for your dedication to our students and each other, and the great care you have shown one another through these very unusual years.

With good wishes,

Wendy Appleby

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