The University of Southampton

Public views on electric micro-mobility

The Transportation Research Group (TRG) wants to hear from you on your use and views of electric micro-mobility travel modes such as e-scooters and e-bikes.

Electric micro-mobility options such as e-scooters and e-bikes offer enhanced and sustainable personal mobility. They facilitate access to public transport modes for longer journeys and can replace car travel for shorter journeys. In the UK, the Covid-19 pandemic led to a sharp rise in the popularity of micro-mobility due to rapid rollouts of e-scooter platforms and cycling infrastructure. But what is the future for these travel modes?

The Transportation Research Group is interested in hearing your thoughts on e-bikes and e-scooter travel, whether you use one or both often, occasionally or have never used them. The TRG is conducting small focus groups and interviews that will last less than 1 hour and will run throughout July (Ethics/ERGO no: 73069).

You will receive £10 for taking part.

If you are interested in taking part or would like more information please email Dr Katie Parnell ([email protected]) to register your interest and let her know your availability.

The TRG is conducting this research in collaboration with the Decarbonising Transport through Electrification (DTE) Network which brings together academia, industry and the public sector to address the challenges limiting the implementation of electrified, integrated transport systems.

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