The University of Southampton

Website Update (22 August)

Some academic colleagues will be aware that the current web pages only have core functionality to find individuals at a university-level by name. This is a short-term situation.

The original design plan for the new webpages incorporates a People Finder tool that will enable colleagues to be associated by school, department, research group and research interest. Some examples of what this will look like are shown below, with the new finder tool outlined in red. (select images to enlarge)

Find a person

Research Group



The new web pages do not currently have this feature enabled because we do not yet have a sufficiently comprehensive set of staff profiles, and the data that associates a person with each of these organisational units and interests. Wherever possible the new website is designed to draw information from a trustworthy data source, this will ensure accuracy and minimise the ongoing burden for individuals to maintain this information.

Colleagues in professional services and faculties are working hard to incorporate the necessary data as quickly as possible and enable the enhanced features. We anticipate that this will be completed within the next 16 weeks and hopefully sooner.

Feedback from the community is being actively listened to. If you wish to report an issue, please do so here: Report a problem or request a change.

We will keep you updated on progress via SUSSED.

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