The University of Southampton

Obituary: Professor Roy Weller

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Roy O. Weller, BSc MD PhD FRCPath, Emeritus Professor of Neuropathology, Faculty of Medicine, Southampton University, UK on 23 August 2022.

Roy started his medical career with his MBBS obtained from Guy’s Hospital Medical School in 1962 and his pathology career after gaining his FRCPath in 1982. He was Professor of Neuropathology and Consultant Neuropathologist in Southampton University Faculty of Medicine and Southampton University Hospitals Trust 1973 – 2003. Amongst many different leadership roles, he was proud of his time as President of the BNS 2001-2002 and Editor in Chief of Neuropathology & Applied Neurobiology (1989-1999). He published over 200 peer reviewed manuscripts with innovative research and working hypotheses in neuroimmunology and cerebrovascular biology.

Roy inspired many colleagues and mentored and trained numerous clinical neuropathologists and experimental neuroscientists. His research was always meticulously attentive to detail and he encouraged scientists to “not believe everything you read, just find out for yourself”.

His forward-thinking, optimistic nature will be missed.

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