The University of Southampton

National Inclusion Week 2022: Time to act – the power of now

National Inclusion Week 2022 starts today and this year’s theme is: Time to act: the power of now. Developed by Inclusive Employers, the week provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the importance of inclusion, learn more and celebrate best practice and achievements.

What is on
Here are some ways you can get involved in our community including top tips to learn about inclusion and upcoming events.

Social Mobility Network event (open to all)
Tuesday 4 October,
17:00–19:00, Highfield Campus, Room 4013, Building 100
The Social Mobility Network is an open community of students and staff who have a lived experience of being from an underrepresented background. The network provides a safe space for likeminded individuals to come together and provide mutual support.

To find out more about the network, join the social, drop-in event next week with games, free food and drink. Everyone is welcome. Register for the event on Eventbrite.

You can also keep up to date with network updates via the Social Mobility Network Teams channel, and/or follow the network on Twitter and Instagram (@Soton_SMN).

The World according to Raj in terms of Diversity and Inclusion – UoS REACH staff network event (open to all)
Thursday 6 October, 12:30–13:30, Microsoft Teams virtual event
Chief Superintendent Raj Kohli, Hampshire Constabulary’s Head of Prevention, Vulnerability and Partnership Commands, will share his thoughts on positive action, positive discrimination, unconscious bias, institutional racism, and provide ideas on how to understand and address those challenges. Register for the event online.

If you want to become a UoS REACH Staff Network member or ally, visit SharePoint to find out more or  email [email protected].

Top tips to learn more about inclusion in our community

If you have five minutes… you can:

If you have 10 minutes… you can:

If you have 30 minutes… you can:

  • Meet with a colleague or fellow student in your team or cohort or in another team or cohort for a hot drink.

Inclusion in the workplace for staff
You may wish to attend a safe listening space on race and disability. Be part of an open and safe conversation.

Below are some resources to support you with your inclusion journey:

For more information, please contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team via [email protected]

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