The University of Southampton

Menopause Workplace Pledge

We are pleased to announce that the University has signed the Menopause Workplace Pledge to demonstrate our commitment to staff experiencing the menopause.

We have signed the menopause pledge

Why have we signed the pledge?

Typically, women aged between 45-55 will experience menopause or perimenopausal symptoms. However, it is important to recognise that some women may experience menopause at different ages and some trans and non-binary people may also experience menopausal symptoms. Menopausal symptoms can include hot flushes, brain fog, mood swings, anxiety and irregular periods. These symptoms can have significant impact on people’s lives.

We are working to create a positive environment for our staff experiencing menopausal symptoms. We want to encourage staff to talk more openly about the menopause and feel confident to ask for help and support if they need it.

Cathy Day, Executive Director of Risk, Safety & Resilience, said “I’m delighted that we are able to raise awareness about the impact of menopause which affects so many of us in such an emotional and physical way.  It is an important aspect of wellbeing which demonstrates the commitment of the University in tackling previously taboo subjects.”

Anne-Marie Sitton, Executive Director of Human Resources, said “I am hugely excited and proud that the University has signed up to the Menopause Workplace Pledge and that a large proportion of staff working in our University will feel supported and better understood going forward.  This supports our ambitions on Wellbeing but also in being an inclusive community which understands the lived experiences of others.”

Signing the pledge follows work progressed by the Menopause Working Group (a sub-group of the Staff Wellbeing Working Group) to consider what we need to do to become menopause friendly which includes marking World Menopause Awareness Day today with a programme of virtual events.

For further information please see our Menopause SharePoint Site.

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