The University of Southampton

Anti-Bullying Week 2022: Stand with us

The annual Anti-Bullying Week starts next week (14-18 November). This year’s theme is ‘Reach Out’ which aims to help empower us to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt caused by bullying.  
Here is a reminder of the ways you can reach out to speak out and access support whether it is for yourself or on behalf of another member of our community.

We also hear from this year’s flag art competition winner and get a personal insight into what the design stands for ahead of raising the flag next week on campus.

This is an image of the winning flag design for Anti-Bullying Week which has a ‘handshake heart’ motif in the centre of a bright yellow stylised sunflower on a blue background.

If we challenge it, we can change it
Stand with us against bullying and harassment in our community this Anti-Bullying Week and all year. If you ever think it has happened to you or someone you know, please visit the bullying and harrasment pages on the Report and Support website to explore options available to you. This includes reporting an incident using the dedicated tool. It might be useful to think about what bullying and harassment is and how some of the behaviours are described. 

Reach out and make a pledge
Next week, we are running a dedicated Report and Support stall on Tuesday 15 November and Wednesday 16 November between 11:00-16:00 in Hartley Library reception area (Building 12) on Highfield Campus, so you can find out more about the tool and available support.

You will also have the chance to make a pledge to stand alongside those who are or have experienced bullying, and talk to Safer Communities (Southampton City Council) and the Southampton Hate Crime Network.

Weekly wellbeing cafe
You can also join us at the weekly wellbeing cafe. The cafe runs every Wednesday at the Wellbeing Centre (1051) on Highfield Campus (28 University Road) from 10:00-12:00 including next Wednesday (16 November). Drop in and enjoy free refreshments, arts, crafts, games and friendly faces. Open to all students, you do not need to book and can stay for as long or little as you like.  

Flag competition winner and flag raising ceremony
We are delighted to announce the winner of this year’s student and staff competition as Dr Nik Mahon, Principal Teaching Fellow and Programme Leader MA Global Advertising and Branding. The flag featuring the winning design (included in this post) will be raised on the main University flagpole (Jubilee Plaza) on Highfield Campus next Tuesday (15 November).

Dr Mahon tells us about the design and what it stands for:  

“I wanted my flag design to be bold and striking, with the capacity to stand out from the background environment and leave a lasting, memorable image.

“The central motif depicts the symbol of a heart, formed by a warm handshake. I felt that this simple image expressed the key virtues that I set out to include from the outset: Kindness, warmth and compassion. The sunflower stands tall and proud, and I felt that this is an interesting and meaningful way to symbolise the courage taken to stand up to bullying.” 

Find out more about the campaign on the Anti-Bullying Week website including details about odd socks day where the national campaign encourages us to start the week by wearing odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. 

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