The University of Southampton

Building Inclusive & Diverse Teams Webinar Series

Join us this November and December for a series of 45 minute webinars focussed on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 

Our mission is to create an inclusive university community where everyone is supported to reach their full potential and we harness the power of diversity. We all benefit from a more open and inclusive culture, the research shows us that teams are more engaged, have a better sense of wellbeing and can unlock new levels of creativity and performance.  

We are fortunate to have many passionate and committed colleagues helping lead and shape this agenda to deliver progress. But, despite all the action that has taken place,  significant work is still required; deep-rooted social injustices continue, and we must keep pushing forward.  

Join us this November and December for a series of webinars where we will share what the data is telling us, where we have made progress and our future priorities, as well as how you can get involved and strengthen your inclusivity skills to positively impact your performance and the experience of others around you.  

Part One: Understanding Progress, Priorities and How to get Involved 

We all have our part to play in delivering the ambitious EDI strategic plan and charter action plans to create a truly inclusive environment. Sharing what we have learnt with as many members of the community as possible is key to helping building awareness of the issues and contributing to solving them. 

Select the webinar title for more details on how to  sign up.

Building an inclusive University Community:  EDI Strategic Plan 2 Years On, What have we Achieved? 

Monday 28 November: 13.15- 14.00

In 2020 we published our 5 year Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Plan. Now, two years on, join our EDI Sponsor, Mark Spearing, and Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Camilla Gibson, as they share what has been delivered against the EDI strategic plan, our priorities for 2023 and their reflections on progress to date. 

Create a level playing field:  Enhancing Gender Equality at UoS 

When: Tuesday 29 November: 12.15- 13.00

The University of Southampton is a founding signatory of the Athena Swan gender equality charter and holds an institutional Silver award. A Silver award recognises a significant record of activity and achievement by the institution in promoting gender equality and inclusion, and in addressing challenges across different disciplines, but we know more work is required.  

Join our Athena Swan sponsor, Diana Eccles, and Head of Reward, Andrew Gameson, as they share what we have done as a University to advance gender equality and inclusion, what the data is telling us now, our priorities for the next 5 years and the challenges still lying ahead. 

Tackling Inequality & Injustice: Advancing Race Equality & Inclusion at UoS  

When: Wednesday 30 November 12.15 – 13.00

For the past three years, over 2,000 staff and students have participated in our race equality charter self-assessment process, including through surveys, focus groups, events and discussions. This has informed our Race Equality submission and action plan to advance race equality and inclusion at the University. 

Join our Race Equality Charter sponsor, Kieron Broadhead, and Race Equality Co-Chair and REACH Staff Network Chair, Bhupinder Siran, as they share what we have learnt and what we are going to do as a University to address and remove the visible and invisible barriers our Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff and students face every day and create an inclusive university community. 

We will be sharing more details for part two of the webinar series later this week.

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