The University of Southampton

10/11/2022 Industrial action update

The University has been notified that UCU intends to ask members to participate in industrial action consisting of action short of a strike (ASOS) beginning on Wednesday 23 November 2022 and strike action on Thursday 24, Friday 25, and Wednesday 30 November 2022 

Action short of a strike

ASOS will be continuous from 23 November until no later than 20 April 2023 (or such time that the dispute is considered to be resolved).

ASOS will consist of UCU members: 

– only working to contract;  

– not undertaking any voluntary activities;  

– not covering for absent colleagues;  

– removing uploaded materials and/or not sharing materials related to lectures or classes that will be or have been cancelled as a result of strike action;  

– not rescheduling lectures or classes cancelled due to strike action. 

What is the background to the disputes?

This industrial action follows ballots in relation to the USS pension scheme and pay and conditions.  

Participating in industrial action

The University respects the right of trade union members to take industrial action but hopes that support for our students and other University activities will be a major consideration when members are deciding whether to participate.  

For those members of UCU who do decide to participate, we will be providing clear policies so that you can understand the implications to your pay and pensions.  

For the majority of our colleagues who will not be involved in this action, mitigating plans will be established within faculties.  

Guidance for students 

The University is committed to protecting the experience of our students. We will be working with colleagues across the University to discuss the possible impact of any industrial action and measures will be in place to mitigate any disruption. The Student Hub will be in touch with more information for all students in due course.

Universities UK (UUK) and Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) have both released statements regarding UCU’s announcement about industrial action: 

UUK’s statement. 

UCEA’s statement.

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