The University of Southampton

Raising the flag for Trans Awareness Week 2022

Trans Awareness Week, held every year from 13-19 November, is a global event to raise the profile of trans people and their experiences. It precedes Trans Day of Remembrance on 20 November. To mark the week and Trans Remembrance Day, we are raising the Trans flag on the Jubilee Plaza on Monday 14 and Sunday 20 November.

Th Trans flag raised on campus with several people standing at the base of the flag pole

Trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming people are one of the most marginalised groups in our society. As a university, we are continually working to improve Trans and non-binary visibility and inclusion. We are currently working on a re-write of our EDI policies, including the Gender Identity and Dignity at Work and Study policies, and developing inclusive practices for Estates developments to create more gender-neutral facilities on campus and make them easier to find.

We have Active Bystander and Inclusive Recruitment training available for staff, enabling colleagues to be more equipped to challenge inappropriate language, behaviour and decision making. Active Bystander training will shortly be made available for our students.

Andrew Landells, Chair of the Pulse LGBT+ Network said:

“I am delighted that once again we will be flying the Trans Pride flag for Trans Awareness Week. The University has always strived to be an inclusive and accepting organisation, and this demonstrates the University’s commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Everyone should feel safe to bring their whole selves to work, and raising the flag is one more way of clearly demonstrating our support to this mission.”

Support & Resources

We have a number of resources to make our University more Trans-inclusive. They can help individuals, personal tutors, supervisors and line managers to be allies to Trans peers and colleagues.

If you are a victim of bullying, hate speech, harassment or discrimination, or witness these behaviours, use the Report + Support tool to report it anonymously, or report it and get support from an advisor.

Staff and PGR students can join the Pulse LGBT+ network who run events throughout the year to support their members and raise awareness of LGBT+ issues in the University.

You can find out more about Trans lives from organisation like Stonewall, Gender Intelligence and GLAAD, and Southampton-based Beyond Reflections.

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