The University of Southampton

Anti-Bullying Week: flag competition winner and resources for staff

To mark Anti-Bullying Week this year, we will be raising a bespoke flag designed by Dr Nik Mahon, Principal Teaching Fellow and Programme Leader MA Global Advertising and Branding, at Winchester School of Art.

Anti-Bullying Week flag

The flag which will be raised today, Tuesday 15 November, was the winning design in a staff and student competition. Dr Nik Mahon, expanded on his thinking as the design developed:

“The central motif depicts the symbol of a heart, formed by a warm handshake. I felt that this simple image expressed the key virtues that I set out to include from the outset: Kindness, warmth and compassion.

The sunflower stands tall and proud, and I felt that this could be an interesting and meaningful way to symbolise the courage taken to stand-up to bullying.”

Report and Support will be in the library on Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 – 11-16:00pm. All staff and students are welcome to join to find out more about Report and Support and the resources available.

As part of the event, colleagues and students will be invited to make pledges to stand alongside those who are experiencing, or have experienced, bullying.

Training and resources available for our staff:

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