The University of Southampton

Help improve the student learning experience and get paid

If you are passionate about improving the learning experience at university, you are invited to take part in a research study aiming to develop accessible and inclusive ways to support the teaching of academic integrity to all students.

The first part of this project is concerned with developing the model for a Student Academic Champions group through a one-hour focus group taking place online via Microsoft Teams on Thursday 1 December at 14:00.

The focus group is open to all students regardless of course or year of study, and particularly to students with any circumstances that may impact their learning – for example those whose first language is not English, mature students, part-time students, or students with a specific learning difficulty and/or disability.  

You will be paid in vouchers for your participation. If you would like to take part in this focus group or have any questions, please contact the institutional lead, Dr Miranda Dodd, at [email protected].  

The wider research project, named ‘Improving student learning by linking inclusion/accessibility and academic integrity’ is a collaboration between University of Southampton, Oxford Brookes University, Bloomsbury Institute, and the University of Westminster, and has received ethical approval from all universities involved (ERGO number 75732). You can read more about it via the Quality Assurance Agency website.

You can find more opportunities to have your say on the Your Voice SharePoint site.

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