The University of Southampton

Join a new Neurodivergent Staff Sub-Group

Understanding Neurodiversity

The term neurodivergent describes people who experience the world differently and can include those with ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Tourette’s syndrome.

Highfield Campus central area and library

Being neurodivergent can give an individual strengths, but it can also bring challenges. Being neurodivergent means having a brain that works differently from neurotypical people. This may mean differences in social preferences, ways of learning and communicating and/or ways of perceiving the environment.

Whilst some people who are neurodivergent may identify as being disabled it is important to recognise that some will see themselves instead as differently abled. It is often the surrounding world, situation and lack of understanding or acceptance that causes disability rather than the difference itself.

If you would like to learn more about neurodiversity you can access our new 15 minute neurodiversity learning resource. This online module will:

  • Build your awareness and understanding of neurodiversity.
  • Outline practical steps to help you create a workplace where everyone has the chance to work to their strengths and succeed in their role.

Join our New Neurodivergent Staff Sub-Group

The new Neurodivergent Staff group is sub-group of the UoS Disability Staff Network which provides a place for neurodivergent staff and PGRs to connect. All members are invited to attend monthly meetings via Microsoft Teams to discuss topics relating to neurodivergence. The group aims to provide support and share experience and good practice.

We have recently seen increasing interest from both within the network and across the wider University community in providing a space for people who are neurodivergent The group provides an opportunity to improve the experience of neurodivergent colleagues in a supportive and informative place’ Libby Barton Equality Diversity and Inclusion Specialist, UoS Disability Staff Network Chair.

To find out more or to join the UoS Disability Staff Network and/or the Neurodivergent Staff Sub-Group email Libby Barton UoS Disability Staff Network Chair via [email protected].

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