The University of Southampton

Staff Engagement Survey #2– results are here

The University’s second Pulse Staff Engagement Survey, run and hosted by our external provider, People Insight, closed on 25 November and the results are now available.

Overall, this time, we achieved a slightly higher response rate of 66% and we maintained our overall Staff Engagement score at 74%.

As before, the results have been clustered into seven themes, shown below: Autonomy, Enablement, Engagement, Environmental Sustainability, Inclusion, Leadership and Reward:

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Those who participated in the second pulse survey will know that there was an addition in the form of a question which offered the opportunity for individuals to make their own comments in response.  Over 3,000 comments were made by our community, so thank you! The comments covered a number of areas including processes and systems, reward/recognition and collaboration and teamwork and these will be taken on board in our action planning.

When will I find out the results?

All Deans and Executive Directors have now been given direct access to their results via the People Insight interactive dashboard which they can compare easily with their results in Pulse 1. They will be sharing these as soon as possible, either before the Winter Break or shortly after, and will continue working to further develop their action plans in response.

What happens next?

For more information please visit the Staff Engagement SharePoint site, Staff Engagement – Home ( if you have any questions please do liaise with your local management team in the first instance.

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