The University of Southampton

The Centre for Higher Education Practice (CHEP) upcoming events and workshops

Below are some of the events and workshops planned for the Academic network for January. They are not all listed here so please keep an eye on the CHEP events pages for any updates.

Education focused events

Wednesday 18 January or Tuesday 24 January – Personal Academic Tutoring Training Session 5: EDI

This session will focus on how EDI can be translated from an abstract concept into everyday practice as a personal tutor.

Wednesday 25 January –  Academic Integrity Officer – An introduction to the role in practice

This workshop will provide an introduction to the role of academic integrity officer (AIO), including discussion of the role in relation to relevant regulations, policies, and processes.

Wednesday 1 February – An Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

This will help you make a start on developing your education practice and support you in managing your education role/s.  It will help you towards building your education portfolio and teaching expertise and will support your professional and academic development.

Research focused events

17 January – UKRI Open Access publishing: Q&A

Suitable for UKRI-funded PGRs and staff to explain your open access publishing options and have time for questions.

18 January – Public Policy Southampton: Government Analysts and Academics

This session is run by Nigel Cambell, Head of Delivery Analysis and Defra Covid Data; SCS economist and policy adviser at Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs).

24 January – How does KEE strategy impact my work? KEF, REF and TEF in relation to good practice
This discussion forum explores the relation of KEE to the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF), Research Excellence Framework (REF) and Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF).

25 January – SIAH: Effective Partnership Work: From Contribution to Co-Production

This discursive session explores the spectrum of effective partnership working from contribution to co-creation.

25 January – Public Policy Southampton: Engaging with UK Parliament

Learn from Dr Wassim Dbouk and colleagues on how to practically and successfully engage with the UK Parliament.

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