The University of Southampton

Events to help boost your wellbeing during exam season (2022-23)

With the main assessment period for semester one starting next week (Monday 16 January – Friday 27 January), we want to help you prioritise your wellbeing and look after yourself during this period.  Below is an overview of the events and activities you can access for free to take a break from studying. From active sessions to arts and crafts and free massages, check out what’s on and take your pick from the highlights listed below:  

Wellbeing icon

Wednesday 11 January 
  • Wellbeing walk 
    Meet at the Faith and Reflection Centre, Building 6, Highfield Campus
Thursday 12 January 
Friday 13 January 
  • Free 5-minute massage  
    Hartley Library Reception Area, Highfield Campus 
  • Spin bike challenge  
    Hartley Library Reception Area, Highfield Campus 
Monday 16 January 
  • Paint and chill (ceramic coasters)  
    14:00 – 16:00
    Faith and Reflection Centre, Building 6, Highfield Campus 
Tuesday 17 January 
  • Spin bike challenge  
    Hartley Library Reception Area, Highfield Campus  
  • Be Active: Social badminton  
    Jubilee Sports Hall, Building 18, Highfield Campus 
  • Lino printing workshop 
    The Student Hub Hangout Space, Building 37, Highfield Campus 
Wednesday 18 January 
  • Wellbeing pop-up café 
    Hartley Library Reception Area, Highfield Campus 
  • Wellbeing walk 
    Meet at the Faith and Reflection Centre, Building 6, Highfield Campus 
Thursday 19 January  

More details about each event can be found in the Student Events section of the My Southampton app. As we move forward in the exam period, refer to this section for the most up-to-date schedule of activities, as well as other events you can attend for free.  

You Are More Than Your Studies  

Don’t forget your Students’ Union also have a wide programme of events coming up in the next few weeks. This includes free food and drinks, zumba and yoga classes, as well as arts and crafts sessions. Check out the SUSU website for more information. You can also find these events on the My Southampton app.

24/7 support 

You are never alone – The Student Hub are always available to answer your questions and concerns regarding exams and wellbeing, or point you in the direction of someone who can. Make sure you reach out if you need support during this period – no question is too small! 

You can find out more about the wellbeing support available to you, including appointments with our wellbeing practitioners and self-help resources, by visiting The Student Hub Wellbeing Team SharePoint site.  

The Students’ Union Advice Centre also provides free, independent, and confidential advice and information on practical matters.

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