The University of Southampton

SIAH: Public Life Seminar welcomes Helle Porsdam

The Southampton Institute for Arts and Humanities (SIAH) is pleased to invite you to the next talk in its Public Life seminar series; Helle Porsdam in conversation with Joanna Sofaer. The event takes place on Thursday 30 March at 17:00 and will be chaired by Professor Joanna Sofaer (Archaeology, Southampton, and SIAH Co-Director). 

An image of guest speaker Helle Porsdam, with text "Public Life: Helle Porsdarm. In conversation with Joanna Sofaer. Thursday 30th March. 5-6pm.

SIAH: Public Life draws a range of leading intellectuals into conversation about what the ideal of the ‘public life’ can mean to Arts and Humanities researchers and disciplines in the twenty-first century. 

Speaker biography 

Helle Porsdam is Professor of History and Cultural Rights and UNESCO Chair in Cultural Rights, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She holds a PhD from Yale University in American Studies and has held fellowships at Harvard Law School, University of Cambridge, and the University of Munich.  

Between 2011 and 2014 she was a Global Ethics Fellow with the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs and in 2021 she was a Leverhulme Visiting Professor at the University of Cambridge.  

Her most recent publications include the monographs The Transforming Power of Cultural Rights: A Promising Law and Humanities Approach (Cambridge, 2019) and Science as a Cultural Right (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022). Her co-edited volume, The Right to Science: Then and Now, was published OA by Cambridge University Press in 2021. 

Reserve your place 

Thursday 30 March 2023 | 17:00 | Online | Find out more and register to attend via Eventbrite 

Future SIAH Public Life events include: 

SIAH Public Life: Laleh Khalili, Tuesday 25 April 2023, 16:00 – 17:00 

SIAH Public Life: Kate Crawford, Thursday 29 June 2023, 15:00 – 16:00 

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