The University of Southampton

Industrial action update: Marking and Assessment Boycott Thursday 20 April

The University and College Union (UCU) has voted to reject employers’ proposals on pay and related non-pay items, but voted in favour of the proposals put forward on the USS pension scheme.

UCU had served notice on 5 April for industrial action with regard to both disputes, but following the outcome of their member consultation, no further industrial action will be taken at this time on the USS pension scheme.

Highfield Campus central area and library

However, UCU will proceed with further industrial action on pay, in the form of action short of a strike (ASOS), including a marking and assessment boycott (MAB) commencing today, Thursday 20 April. The MAB may cover any of the activity and processes related to setting, running and marking assessments. 

UCU mandate for strike action

At the beginning of April, UCU renewed its mandate for strike action for a further 6 months ending on 30 September.

More about the Marking and Assessment Boycott

Our primary focus is to ensure that our students are not disadvantaged by this proposed action and that there is minimal disruption to their studies and progression.

The University has established processes to manage this type of disruption and will be working hard with student representatives at the Students’ Union (SUSU) and other colleagues to implement our contingency plans.

Students are advised to continue to attend and prepare for lectures, seminars, exams, assessments, and other learning activities, unless informed otherwise.

Additional information

FAQs on Industrial Action SharePoint site for further details about a MAB and how participating in this action impacts pay.

Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) have released this statement following the results of UCU’s consultative ballot.

Recent SUSSED posts related to industrial action.

USS update 14 March 2023.

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