The University of Southampton

Changes to appraisals – information for appraisers

On 1 June a new appraisal window will open for all staff. All staff should have an appraisal between 1 June and 15 September. As part of the changes to the appraisal process, the appraisal year (1 August to 31 July) will be the same for staff at all levels. If you have not done so, please read the reminder of what is changing.

Appraisals are changing for all staff

What do I need to do?

All appraisers are required to attend the mandatory Appraising with Confidence workshop.  If you attended some time ago and want a fresher on the changes to the appraisal process or have questions regarding appraisals you can book onto one of our Q&A sessions via Staffbook.

Appraisals are an important part of the professional development for all staff and offer an opportunity to dedicate time to an open conversation with the appraisee about their career aspirations, strengths, the challenges they may have faced, discuss their overall contribution and  agree objectives for the year ahead. It is important that both the appraisee and appraiser have had time to reflect on these aspects before the appraisal meeting. As an appraiser:

  • Ensure meetings are booked in early to allow plenty of time for preparation.
  • Ensure the appraisee has completed the self-assessment section ahead of the appraisal meeting.
  • Review the appraisee’s self-assessment ahead of the appraisal and consider their strengths and development areas.
  • If the appraisee is at Levels 4-7, consider which contribution descriptor best summarises the appraisee’s overall contribution. There is no longer a requirement to ‘score’ each objective.
  • Once the appraisal is completed, submit it to your second line reviewer who will carry out a consistency check.
  • Ensure your appraisee has entered their new objectives into the online form in MyHR. (Please note, the system is being modernised and will be called MyView from 27 June)

Appraisal changes - Appraisers Level 1-3

For those appraising staff at Levels 1-3

  • Ensure the appraisee has completed and shared the paper based PPDR document for the past appraisal period before you meet (the reflection part of the process in sections 1a &1b).
  • After the meeting complete the summary of overall performance, section 1c, of the paper PPDR.
  • Both appraisee and appraiser sign the completed paper PPDR before passing it to the second line reviewer for signature and comment.
  • Ensure the appraisee records their agreed objectives on the online form on MyHR rather than on the paper PPDR document.
  • If either you or the appraisee have not used the online form before, a moving from PPDR to appraisal e-learning is available to support you with this.
  • From next year (June 2024) the overall contribution descriptors will be used to summarise the appraisees overall performance.

You can review the changes that impact you and your appraisees on the Appraisal Guidance SharePoint where you will find detailed information and to access resources – also see this helpful video for an overview.

Pease note that MyHR (MyView) will be unavailable between 16:30 19 June 2023 and 17:00 27 June 2023, during this time the appraisal online form will not be accessible. Recording of the overall contribution descriptor and the entering of new objectives will need to be completed on the online form before the 19 June or after the 27 June when the system migration has been completed. However, appraisal conversations can still take place during the system closure period.

Further information

If you have queries about the appraisal process and how it applies to you, you can either:

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