The University of Southampton

In-person exam and assessment tips 2023

The main exam and assessment period starts today (Monday 22 May – Friday 9 June 2023). If you have in-person exams and assessments during this period, please remember the following on the day:

Equipment and what to bring 

  • Switch off your phone before entering the exam and put it in your bag. 
  • Leave your bag and other personal belongings where the invigilators tell you to. 
  • Bring your physical ID card with you. 
  • If using calculators or dictionaries, ensure you are using approved models/versions – unapproved models/versions will be taken away.
  • Make sure your water is in a clear or non-labelled reusable bottle. 

Before the start of your exam 

  • Do not write inside your answer book (other than filling out the front page) before the start of the exam. 
  • Do not open the question paper until told to do so by the invigilator. This may be slightly later than the scheduled start time, but you will always be given the full amount of time. 

At the end of your exam 

  • Stop writing and close all answer books when told to do so. Remain seated and do not talk. 
  • Double check you have followed all instructions on your exam paper – this includes writing your student ID on every answer book. 
  • Your answer book must be collected by an invigilator before you can leave – otherwise it might not be marked.
  • Never take the exam paper or instructions with you – leave them on your desk. 

The Student Hub – 24/7 support
If you have any queries or concerns, The Student Hub is your first point of contact. Come see us across our campuses from 08:00-20:00, or you can contact us 24/7 via email, online chat, or by calling 02380 599 599.  

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