The University of Southampton

University Council Effectiveness Review

In September 2022 Halpin Partnership were commissioned to conduct an independent governance effectiveness review of the University Council. A Steering Group, Chaired by the Vice-Chair of Council, oversaw the review process, which included setting its scope, agreeing key lines of enquiry, and monitoring progress.

University of Southampton blue sign in foreground with foliage and building 37 behind.

The report’s Executive Summary states: ‘Overall, when measured against Halpin’s Governance Maturity Framework we concluded that governance arrangements at the University (UoS) were good, with some areas demonstrating leading edge practice’

There were some key findings:

  1. Relationships between the Council, University Executive Board (UEB) and the Secretariat are high trust. The emotional intelligence demonstrated at Council and Committee meetings is a tremendous strength for UoS.  Interviewees and Focus Group participants reported that the University was a friendly place.
  2. Council members would benefit from a more extensive induction.
  3. There could be better understanding of the decision-making processes at the University.
  4. The Council would benefit from a more detailed understanding of Senate.

Halpin’s brief was to provide suggestions for how the University could improve its governance, drawing on examples of good practice. Accordingly, the report sets out a further 53 recommendations and 60 suggestions (plus 24 commendations). These typically offer pointers for continuous improvement, as opposed to actions to address deficits and a rolling action plan is now in train. The report notes the recommendations and suggestions are not intended to be prescriptive but designed to offer ways in which governance practices might be strengthened.

A number of the recommendations centre around Council recruitment & induction, code of conduct and handbook for council members, report writing & templates and publication of documents. Governance Services are working on these recommendations immediately.

Some recommendations will require longer term consideration. They focus on strengthening the relationship and awareness between Council and Senate ensuring that each body is familiar with the work and responsibilities of the other and good channels of communication and trust exist between both.

In conclusion, the Halpin report concluded that UoS is undoubtedly a well-led and well governed University with many examples of inclusive leadership, effective chairing, challenge, debate and sound decision-making being observed. The culture of the Council was welcoming, supportive and inclusive, but also knowledgeable, experienced and challenging when necessary. Halpin were particularly impressed by the transformation the Vice-Chancellor had brought about after only a relatively short period in office. The process of developing the Triple Helix strategy was exemplary. Universities are not, nor should be, command and control organisations. Debate and disagreement are encoded in their DNA. The challenge for the Council is to communicate with the community so that transmitters and receivers are tuned to the same frequency.

Halpin were impressed by the determination of the Council not to rest on its laurels. Council members were eager to identify and adopt good practice elsewhere.

There was no doubt that Southampton is near the front of the grid in terms of corporate governance and that it will continue to convert good performance to match the leading-edge performance already in place.

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