The University of Southampton

Modernising the Governance (MtG): Council and VC approved key documents

As part of the MtG project, a refreshed set of governance documents and HR policies and procedures that are easy to find, navigate, read, and understand have been developed and were recently approved, as appropriate, by the University Council, the Privy Council and the Vice-Chancellor. These will be effective from 1 August 2023.

Modernising the Governance project title next to an image of a hand typing on a keyboard

New Documents

These include the modernised University Ordinance 8 (“Employment of Staff at Level 4 and above”) as well as a new suite of University employment procedures informed by a set of Overarching Principles.

Supporting documentation, including guidance to support the employment procedures, will be made available once the procedures become effective on 1 August 2023.

How have staff provided input to the new Employment Ordinance and employment procedures?

Work to develop our University’s new Ordinance 8 and employment procedures has been ongoing for some time with our three campus Trade Unions – UCU, Unison, Unite – who represent the interests and views of our staff on employment-related matters.

Discussions have been positive and valuable, with the collaboration leading to an improved outcome overall. Despite this, it has not proved possible to reach a mutual agreement with all three Trade Unions on all aspects of the proposals, therefore, all parties now maintain their respective viewpoints on the final proposals.

Find out more

This wider body of work includes updates to our University’s Charter and removal of Statutes. Learn more about this in a previous SUSSED News post and a recording of a staff briefing session. Contact the project team by emailing: [email protected]

Further information on the project and the key documents can be found via the MtG SharePoint site.

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