The University of Southampton

Staff Party is next week

This year’s Staff Party takes place next week, Thursday 13 July, 14:00-17:00 on Highfield Campus. The event is free to attend, but don’t forget to register to reserve your space by Friday 7 July in order to receive complimentary refreshments.

Staff sitting outdoors with bunting above their heads. Text reads: You're invited! Staff Party 2023. Thursday 13 July, Highfield Campus, 14:00-17:00.

Party map
You can now view a map of the party area on the Staff Party SharePoint site.  We’ll be keeping our fingers crossed for good weather, but if it is wet on the day a revised plan will also be shared on SharePoint.

There will be some deckchairs and other seating available to use, and we would also encourage you to bring camping chairs and picnic blankets to create your own area with your colleagues and friends – you may also like to decorate your space, and bring some shade if it’s sunny!

Complimentary buffet-style food and drink (one drink per person) will be available throughout the duration of the party for all those who have registered in advance.  Ice creams will also be available to purchase at the event, and additional drinks can be bought at the Arlott Bar (open until 6pm), the Bridge (open until 4pm) and the Stag’s (open 3pm-10pm).

Appreciation shout outs
Has a particular colleague or team made a difference to your work life this year? Our shout out scheme is back for 2023, and you can submit your messages of thanks on the Appreciation Shout Outs SharePoint page. On the day, keep an eye out for the big screens and see if you can spot your own submission – and maybe there will be one for you, too!

Joining instructions
Full joining instructions will be sent by email to those who have registered, later this week.

For managers
We understand that there will be a small number of teams providing front-line services for whom attending the party is challenging – please refer to our For Managers page for guidance.

Purple colour block

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