The University of Southampton

Southampton maintains its nationally leading strengths in business and public engagement

Business and public engagement activities at the University have again been recognised as amongst the best in England in the annual Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) results.

Two people stand beside the towing tank.

In the third round of the UK-wide KEF, we have retained our top scores and are recognised as enabling ‘high’ or ‘very high’ engagement across all areas of assessment.

Southampton achieved the top rating of ‘very high engagement’ in four categories: public and community engagement; IP and commercialisation; working with business; and working with the public and third sector. It achieved the second highest rating, ‘high engagement’, for research partnerships; local growth and regeneration; and CPD and graduate start-ups.

These results put Southampton at or above the average in all areas of assessment compared to other similar institutions.

Professor Mark Spearing, Vice-President for Research and Enterprise, said:

“I am delighted that the University continues to deliver strong performance in Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise (KEE), as measured by the KEF.

“Our strength across all seven areas of the KEF indicates the benefits of our diverse KEE ecosystem, and also reflects the hard work of our equally diverse community, and the relevance of our triple helix strategy, to exploit the synergies between KEE, Education and Research.”

The full results of KEF 2023 are available on the Research England website.

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