The University of Southampton

Obituary: Sarah Bown

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our well-loved and respected colleague Sarah Bown, who died on 5 September.

Portrait of Sarah Bown

Sarah played a key role within student support services for many years. As a supervisor within wellbeing and disability support services she helped shape the disabled student Transition programme.  She brought to this role energy, compassion and a genuine sense of never-ending improvement; she was passionate about our students and ensuring that the transition programme was better every year.

Sarah was also instrumental in the development of the University’s counselling service and the development and refurbishment of our student Wellbeing Centre, where counselling support is now located. Sarah took ownership of the day to day running of this building to ensure a consistent service was delivered and always went out of her way to make both staff and students welcome.

Helen Rowland, Director of Student Support said: “Sarah’s passion for supporting students and the team shone through and this never changed in any of the different roles she took on in our services. She was also a true team player and hugely considerate of the wellbeing of her colleagues. She never forgot a birthday or special event and brought joy to so many through her Bake-Off events and football sweepstakes.”

Sarah was a very hard-working and caring colleague, who will be missed by the many staff and students she worked with and supported. Sarah’s funeral will take place on 9 October. Please contact Martin Hand for further details.

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