The University of Southampton

Share your views about Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education

The Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) working group has been established by Deborah Gill, Vice-President (Education and Student Experience) to assist in developing policy and guidance to staff and students about the use of generative AI tools in education.

We would like to ascertain the opinions and experiences of UoS education and support staff in relation to GenAI tools through an online survey. This survey has two purposes:

  • To capture a snapshot of current understanding of, and experience with, generative Artificial Intelligence tools within our education community
  • To provide evidence to assist us in preparing advice for senior leaders at UoS on the use of generative AI tools

Please respond to this survey if you are involved in the delivery and support of education at all levels (UG, PGT, PGR, pre-sessional, enterprise/CPD), including relevant professional services staff (e.g. in the Library).

In all, the survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and contains a mixture of scaled and open-ended questions. All data will be treated as confidential and will only be assessed by the research team (the core group of the GenAI working group). We will collect your name and email address, so that we can follow up with you to identify and discuss examples of good practice and identify your plans for the future.

This survey has received AREQA approval (Approval No: 2023/399).

The survey is mobile enabled and will close on 27 October 2023. You will be able to leave the survey and come back to it. If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Kate Borthwick at [email protected].


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