The University of Southampton

UKRI Trusted Research

Trusted Research is a UK-wide campaign to raise awareness of the types of risks that academia and industry can encounter during their research. It is essential that we work together as a University community to ensure we play our part in mitigating these risks and protecting the UK’s intellectual property, sensitive research, people and infrastructure from potential theft, manipulation and exploitation, including as a result of interference. 

A series of lights connected

Over the last eighteen months, the UK government has significantly changed its stance on research relationships with certain countries.  This means that research activities which would previously have been compliant, may no longer be so.   

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) established its trusted research and innovation (TR&I) work programme in response to the increasing need across the sector to: 

  • help manage and provide guidance and support in ensuring collaborative activities are done safely and securely within the confines of the legal framework 
  • minimise the risks associated with operating within a global research and innovation ecosystem while maximising the opportunities 

Trusted Research is particularly relevant to researchers in STEM subjects, dual-use technologies, emerging technologies, personally identifiable data and commercially sensitive research areas, but we would encourage all colleagues to familiarise themselves with this information, including if you are working in an administrative, professional service or technician role supporting research activity. 

Professor Mark Spearing, Vice-President (Research and Enterprise), said:  

“I am confident everyone in our community has always acted in line with the information available to them, and going forward we must ensure we continue to follow the regulations and guidelines the government has put in place.  Please ask for guidance from RIS at the earliest stages of setting up a new relationship, or if you have any concerns over existing activities, to ensure there is no potential for a breach of controls or legislation.” 

Key points to consider 

  • Know your research – is your research at risk for misuse? Familiarise yourself with export control ratings 
  • Know your partner – who are your international research collaborators?  Have you worked with them previously?  Is this a formal or informal collaboration?  Who is the end user? 
  • Know your obligations – what are the rules that govern your research? Consider rules set by UK and foreign governments, funder grants, contract terms, and University of Southampton policies and procedures. 

How to get support 

Research Integrity and Compliance (RICO) in RIS can assist with export control queries/applications and in determining if your activity falls within NSI Act. Send any queries directly to [email protected]  

Later this year, RIS will be running an online open forum on Trusted Research, which all students and staff are invited to attend. Details will be shared on SUSSED. 

Further resources 

UKRI guidance on Trusted Research and Innovation 

UK Sanctions regimes 

RIS SharePoint Export Control Guidance page 

RIS SharePoint NSI Act Guidance page 

National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) Trusted Research Guidance for Academia 

[email protected]  


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