The University of Southampton

PowerBI Hackathon

The Power BI Community of Practice would like to invite you to participate in our second annual Power BI hackathon.  

A group of participants stand around computers.
Figure 1: One of the teams from the 2023 Power BI Hackathon collaborating on their project.

Power BI can help to streamline how data is sourced and presented, via interactive reports that can easily and efficiently be shared with the relevant audiences. In early 2024, a group of Southampton colleagues with a range of skills and knowledge could help you tackle your data challenge, so that by the end of the day you are that much closer to actualising the potential of your data. 

We understand that every data challenge is different, and not all challenges can be addressed in a day or can be solved by using Power BI. You are invited to submit an expression of interest so that we can evaluate your challenge and select those that we are able to address during the hackathon. 

To see the kind of issues we addressed in the first hackathon in March 2023, have a look at this extract from Staff Matters April 2023. Some feedback from the first hackathon: 

“I learnt about the usefulness, and limitations, of PowerBI and I’m proud of the dashboard that we made, which provides clear visualisations from our longitudinal survey that identifies key areas to focus resources and will be used for years to come. 

This hacka-data-thona-day was a good opportunity to meet experts and other novice users and to share ideas how PowerBI can be used, in particular with the presentations at the end.” 

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