The University of Southampton

Reminder: USS Member Consultation 2023 ends today at 17:00

The member consultation into changes to the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) ends today, Friday 24 November at 17:00.  

Aerial image of Highfield Campus, near Hartley Library.

If you are a member/eligible member of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) and wish to provide feedback on the proposed changes, please ensure you visit the consultation portal to do this before 17:00 today.  

If you were unable to attend the USS pension briefings with pensions expert, Brendan Mulkern about the USS 2023 valuation process and potential implications for members. The presentation slides can be viewed here: USS proposed changes: slides by pensions expert, Brendan Mulkern. 

Should you have any questions on the slides, please contact [email protected] 

For further information: 

Brendan Mulkern’s next USS pension briefings are on 27 October and 21 November. 

USS website: 2023 valuation. 

Your questions answered on the one-off uplift (

Technical Provisions Consultation Document. 

A joint statement on UUK and UCU collaboration towards scheme stability, USS benefit improvements and reduced contribution rates.

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