The University of Southampton

Education and Student Experience Programme: progress so far

The University is continuing its ambitious programme of work to deliver both the Education and Student Experience Strategic Plans.

Three University students gathered round laptops at a table whilst their teacher leans towards their conversatyion in from of a blackboard containing mathematical diagrams.

Earlier this year, in recognition that these Strategic Plans are inextricably linked, the Education Programme and the Student Experience Programme of Strategic Major Projects were brought together so that they operate in lockstep and maximise opportunities for synergies. Details of each of the projects can be found here:

The programme’s joint sponsors are:

  • Deborah Gill – Vice President Education & Student Experience
  • Kieron Broadhead – Senior Executive Director Students & Infrastructure

As a University community we have already made significant progress in a number of areas to create a University experience that equips students with the vital skills and mindset to flourish in the world of the future and become the leaders of tomorrow.

We are pleased to share some of the project highlights from Autumn 2023:

  • Advancing Assessment has defined the methodology to transform assessment thinking and practice. A structured approach to obtaining and analysing student feedback on assessment has been successfully piloted in one school, with outcomes informing the development of plans for wider rollout next year. Priority areas of initial focus for 2024 have been set and the project team have been engaging in workshops with a wide range to stakeholders to develop plans for the project workstreams.
  • Collections Development and Discovery is progressing with its work to refresh the printed book collection at the Hartley Library with the first print books being sent to our conservation-grade off-site store this month. Engagement with stakeholders is continuing and if you would like more information on the project please let us know.
  • Student Experience Process Transformation is working with colleagues to make significant improvements to an agreed set of student administration processes. The project has defined the processes to be reviewed and is focusing on simplifying processes and removing friction to support students and staff. “This project is an incredible opportunity for us to deliver benefits for our students and our staff who support them.” Sarah Chapman (Head of Academic Projects in Student Experience and Engagement).
  • Successful Futures work is gathering pace towards embedding employability and enterprise skills into the curriculum to help improve Graduate Outcomes. The skills model has been launched, Programme Leads are now attending training sessions to map the model to their programmes and early next year a mapping exercise will take place, with colleagues identifying employability and career skills within our existing curriculum as well as any gaps.
  • The Sustainability Education project team are working towards Goal 4 of our strategy which is to ensure that sustainability is a part of each of our education programmes by 2025. The next priority is to build on the Sustainable Development Goals Curriculum mapping work by collaborating with each School to support the embedding of sustainability in their curriculum plans for the future. “This project is so important because it is through our teaching, assessment, research and university experiences that we can equip our students to make a positive contribution to a socially and environmentally responsible future. We know our students value sustainability and it is through this work that we can deliver on our commitments to them through their time with us and for their futures.” Professor Simon Kemp (Professorial Fellow in Education for Sustainable Development).

We are working collaboratively to deliver a transformative and innovative education and student experience and we will continue to keep you updated with the latest developments.

Please see our Education & Student Experience Programme SharePoint site or contact [email protected] with any questions, thoughts or ideas. We would be delighted to hear from you.

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