The University of Southampton

Hints and tips for online assessments

Helpful tips for digital assessments and online submissions, including what to do when things don’t go to plan.

Submitting assessments online
Read the submission instructions and guidance provided carefully, noting details such as the submission portal and when it will be available to use.

We recommend leaving a minimum of 30 minutes for uploading assessments to allow time in case of any issues.

Technical issues
If you hit any technical issues during your online exam, take screenshots or photos of any error notices. Make sure they clearly show the time, internet provider and date. Submit the evidence as soon as possible via a Special Consideration request to make the University aware.

Timed assessments
You cannot be granted a deadline extension for a timed assessment. Late penalties (as applied to coursework) are not available if you fail to submit by the deadline. You will receive a mark of zero, just as you would if you failed to attend an exam.

Unauthorised online help
Beware of external companies that may approach you online, offering academic services like essay writing, proofreading, note-taking, or ‘homework help.’ Don’t be tempted to seek unauthorised help, as it could be considered cheating or external authorship/assistance.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
You must not use artificial intelligence tools to generate content for any of your assessments unless it has been specifically authorised by the person responsible for the assessment. This includes automated translation or editing tools, solution of mathematical problems, or production of computer code. For more information on the use of AI in academic work, please refer to the Knowledge Base.

Citing and referencing
Citing and referencing your work correctly is essential. Visit the Library website to find out the style for your school, and associated guidance for the style.

1:1 academic support
The Academic Skills Service offers a variety of resources to help you develop your academic and study skills, including guidance on getting smart with online academic integrity.

Drop-in to a 1:1 session at Hartley Library on Highfield Campus if you want to discuss good academic practice and why it’s important. Or book a 1:1 online appointment for support with citing, referencing and academic integrity.

Please note that the Academic Skills Hub drop-in service will be closed from Friday 15 December until Monday 8 January, but you can receive support through the ‘Here to Help’ webpages until Wednesday 20 December.

Where to study – Library opening hours
Visit the website to view the opening times of libraries across campuses over the break.

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