The University of Southampton

Join the Education-focused Staff Network

The Education-focused Staff Network was launched in November 2022 and is a community of practice for academic staff with a strong focus on Education.

An aerial image of grass with text "Join the Education Focused Network - community of practice for Education-Focused staff".

The network is open to anyone interested in developing their education portfolio and offers support through sharing practice, opportunities for scholarship, and resources. There are currently 192 members, and we are looking to expand the membership during 2024.

The aims of this network are to: 

  • Support professional development, recognition and career progression and promotion for education focused staff.
  • Provide a network of peer support to share good practice, innovation and expertise.
  • Develop, support and encourage Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).

Throughout the year we have facilitated quarterly events for members as well as providing a Teams site for all members to share ideas, practice and opportunities. Feedback from participants has been very positive: 

“I really valued the presenters being so honest with us, especially about things that were highly personal and made them quite vulnerable in front of us as strangers. I think this was particularly useful for those who, for whatever reason, may have felt less confident about applying for promotion. A huge thanks to them and to you all for organising this important session!” (Anon Network Member, Survey Response)   

Join the Education Focused Network Teams site to get access to previous events, resources and find out about future events. 

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