The University of Southampton

LGBT+ History Month 2024: #UnderTheScope

LGBT+ History Month is marked every February across the country to celebrate and raise awareness to the contributions of LGBT+ people. This year’s theme “Under the Scope” celebrates LGBT+ peoples’ contribution to the field of Medicine and healthcare both historically and today.

An image of a heart with the LGBTQ Progress Flag, surrounded by a stethoscope.

Join In

Queering Connections: Triangulation

30 January – 25 February, The Winchester Gallery, WSA

In this exhibition, three women – Katherine Anteney, Sally Schuh, and Louise Siddons – are brought together for a queer experiment in co-creative, collaborative cartography, curated in conversation with the WSA artists book collection.

LGBT+ Flag Raising and Pulse Network Coffee Morning

Monday 5 February, 09:30- 10:00, Jubilee Plaza, Highfield Campus

Join the PULSE LGBT+ Network in marking the start of the month to raise the Progress Pride flag at the Jubilee Plaza, followed by a friendly coffee at the Arlott.

Southampton Stonewall Lecture 2024: Why We Need Queer Kinship Now More Than Ever: Lessons from German History

Thursday 22 February, 18:00-20:00, Avenue Campus

In this lecture, Professor Jennifer Evans asks us to think about how the queer and trans past has often been drawn upon to make a series of claims about liberal democracy itself, including the place of identity in rights-based discourses of experience, policy and governance.

Film Screening: Desert Hearts

Thursday 29 February, 16:00- 17:30, Avenue Film Theatre, Avenue Campus

Catch a free film screening of Desert Hearts, a romantic drama film set in 1950s Reno, it tells the story of a university professor who finds her true self through a relationship with a more self-confident woman.


Learn More

Visit the EDI Sharepoint to find out more about the significance of this year’s theme and stories from the LGBT+ community including:

Get Support

PULSE LGBT+ Staff Network is an autonomous group for LGBT+ people, their friends and supporters.

LGBT+ Society (SUSU) aims to provide an inclusive and safe space for LGBT+ students to socialise with one another, allowing them the freedom to discover and express who they are without judgement.

Beyond Reflections is a local charity offering support in the form of face-to-face and online support groups, counselling, wellbeing drop-ins, and third-party hate-crime victim support.

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