The University of Southampton

Helping you write in an inclusive way

The language we use as individuals helps others understand who we are; as an organisation, the language we use is instrumental in being truly inclusive of everyone, from every background and experience.   

University of Southampton blue sign in foreground with foliage and building 37 behind.

The University’s Inclusive Language Guide (ILG) is here to help you write in a way that ensures everyone is welcomed into our community through the communications we produce every day, from emails to publications. 

It has recently been updated by the editorial team within the Brand team, in collaboration with the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team, various staff network members, and the Student Advisory Board. 

The ILG is designed as a mouthpiece for communities and individuals represented in the content to define how best to communicate with them. The content will be reviewed regularly by a working group to ensure guidance continues to be informed by people with lived experiences.

The ILG sits within the University’s Editorial Style Guide, which helps you with writing in general, with topics including spelling and grammar, tone of voice, and proofing and editing. 

Please note that the ILG is intended to offer best-practice advice and guidance for creating inclusive content; it is not a University policy document and is designed for staff use only. 

If you have queries about the ILG or the University’s Editorial Style Guide, please email [email protected].

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