The University of Southampton

Congratulations to Southampton on 60 years of City Status

On 24 February 1964 Southampton was granted a Royal Charter to be known as the City and County of the City of Southampton.

An image of Westquay with text "Southampton: 60 Years".

One year on from signing a historic Civic University Agreement, the University celebrates its strengthening relationship with Southampton as we join the city in marking this milestone anniversary.

Sue Littlemore, our Director of Civic and Arts, said:

“The University of Southampton is proud to have signed a Civic University Agreement with the Council and partners, pledging to support the golden opportunities that lie ahead for a vibrant and successful City of Southampton over its next sixty years.”

Then and now

In 1964 the University celebrated the City being granted official city status with a formal dinner in Honour of the city council. The programme for the dinner is still held in the University Archives and shows the 5-course menu as well as the proposers of the formal toasts to the city and the University.

In 1964 the University had 2,094 enrolled students and its largest international cohort was 32 students from New Zealand.

Our records show that the University was looking ahead to possible expansion (to up to 4,000 students) and so was working on the need for more student accommodation.

The University had been granted its Royal Charter only a few years earlier and was almost entirely based on the barely developed Highfield site. More details about the University are available at the special Collections blog.

Now as the city enters its 60th official year our students number over 24,000 and are based across eight campuses, including our City Centre campus. This growth has brought with it an estimated contribution of £4.14 Billion to the UK economy much of which is focused right here in the city where we were founded.

The University proudly carries the city name to the world through our ground breaking research, our thousands of international students and through our campus in Malaysia.

On the anniversary

Our Special Collections team will be reflecting on the University’s connection with the city over the last 60 years on their blog and on social media.

Other key organisations around Southampton will also mark the anniversary this weekend including with events at some of our city libraries and encouragement to applaud during the 60th minute of the Southampton Football Club match at St Mary’s stadium.

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