The University of Southampton

Blackboard Ultra: sign up to our staff development sessions

The Blackboard Ultra Migration Project aims to upgrade the University’s virtual learning environment (VLE) by helping you migrate modules from Blackboard Original to Ultra. This project aims to not only introduce new features and an improved user interface, but also provide you with valuable support and development opportunities as part of the migration. 

Two people looking at an electronic device, with text "Staff Development Sessions from April 2024".

Professor Deborah Gill, Vice-President (Education) says: “As the Blackboard platform changes, rather than take a “lift and shift” approach, we want you to take the opportunity to ensure you are providing the best possible digital elements to your programmes. We learnt so much so quickly during the pandemic, about how to provide a student-centred and engaging VLE but now the VLE is once more an integral part of our face-to-face offering, this is an opportunity to think about what you want your VLE to do as part of a holistic learner experience. 

I am very aware that this will take programme teams some time to do well, but I ask you to set aside time to get to know Blackboard Ultra, to attend the staff development sessions and to think, with your students, about how you can best use the VLE in your programme.” 

Signing up to the sessions 

From April 2024 there will be both in-person and online sessions available to you, covering a variety of Ultra based topics.

For the next academic year (September 2024) we are migrating the modules that first year students take. We strongly recommend those who work with foundation and year 1 modules (undergraduate) including programme courses and custom (arbitrary) modules to sign up as soon as possible. These sessions will help build your knowledge and understanding of Blackboard Ultra, setting you up for the next academic year. 

For details on how to sign up please visit the Blackboard Ultra SharePoint site.

The Ultra journey so far 

In January, the project team created a group of Early Adopters to help test, explore and feedback on Blackboard Ultra.  John Schulz, Professor in Digital Education, and Luke Myers, Associate Professor (School of Engineering), are both part of this group and they have shared their experiences.  

Check out the following video trailer which provides a flavour of their journey so far with Blackboard Ultra.  

View the full video on YouTube, which includes why they volunteered for the programme and more. 

Find out more 

Please visit the Blackboard Ultra SharePoint site where you can find out more information. If you have any questions, please contact the project team via [email protected].

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