The University of Southampton

Southampton researchers launch online tool for Long Covid support

A website to support people living with Long Covid is being launched today (15 March 2024), Long Covid Awareness Day, by a research team led by a Southampton professor with first-hand experience of the condition.

An image of Nisreen Alwan.

The online tool offers a symptom checker, advice on seeking support, and encourages people to talk about their symptoms with professionals, friends and family. The tool is available at:  

Nisreen Alwan, Professor of Public Health, who was made an MBE in 2021 for services to medicine and public health during the pandemic, has led the development of the online tool using research she and colleagues have conducted into the stigma and barriers to seeking care for Long Covid.  

Long Covid is a global public health problem affecting millions of people to varying degrees. In March 2023, the Office for National Statistics estimated that 1.9 million people were living with Long Covid in the UK.   

Professor Alwan, who herself suffered debilitating Long Covid during 2020, said: “We hope the tool can help prevent people who might be struggling with Long Covid symptoms from feeling alone. Long Covid can be extremely debilitating and can be very hard to talk about, as there is stigma attached. 

“There are possibly many, many people out there who are not aware they have Long Covid. And many others who are not seeking any help due to not being sure about what is causing their symptoms, or not thinking their symptoms are serious enough to warrant medical attention from already overstretched services, or thinking that there is no cure so there’s no point in seeking help. 

“My top tip is to seek care. If you think you have Long Covid, there is support available. But it’s also important to establish if it is Long Covid, or something else that warrants medical investigation.”  

Colleagues affected by Long Covid are encouraged to discuss how it impacts them in the workplace with their line manager. Line managers will be able to advise on support and resources available through the University including the Employee Assistance Programme and Occupational Health advice, and may seek further guidance from HR if required.

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