The University of Southampton

New Cyber Security Training Platform – coming soon

Did you know that higher education institutions are increasingly being targeted by cyber criminals, with 97% of institutions identifying a breach or attack in the past year? We have a strong network of defences to prevent the University from being compromised, and our Cyber Security team protects our users from over 40,000 malicious phishing emails every day. However, the continued rise of phishing and other cyber attacks means we must be more vigilant than ever.  

Everyone at the University is responsible for completing cyber security training, which gives us the knowledge we need to spot and avoid cyber threats and keep our University and sensitive data safe. We have listened to feedback from our community and are pleased to announce that we have partnered with a new provider, KnowBe4, to deliver an improved Cyber Security training experience for the University.  

KnowBe4 will provide fresh, up-to-date content on the latest Cyber Security trends and threats and introduce new functionality over the next few months, such as interactive games and quizzes. KnowBe4 will replace our current platform, Terranova Security and launches on Monday 3 June, so look out for an email inviting you to complete your training soon.   

Remember, we have a Cyber Security SharePoint site where you can find lots of helpful hints and tips about how to protect your device and data.  

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