The University of Southampton

It’s Healthy Eating Week – local produce across campuses

Many of us will agree that what we eat can affect our energy, mood and overall wellbeing, from struggling to get going in the mornings to mid-afternoon slumps.

A chef at the University of Southampton preparing a hot dish.

This week is the British Nutrition Foundation’s Healthy Eating Week and we’ll be showcasing some of our home grown and local produce in our dishes and nutritious options available across our campuses. Our chefs have also tailored the hot food menus at The Terrace at Highfield Campus so that everything on the menu this week is low fat and low sugar.

Did you know that approximately 60% of our fresh food on campus is sourced within Hampshire and neighbouring counties? We work alongside many local suppliers including Forest Edge Meats, Hoxton Bakehouse, The Hampshire Cheese Company, The IoW Garlic Farm, New Forest Mushrooms and Wick Farm. This means we get great quality produce, support local businesses and reduce our carbon footprint. We even have our very own kitchen garden on site at Highfield Campus where we grow fruit, vegetables and herbs to use in our dishes.

Healthy Eating Week is about encouraging us all to give healthy living a go by adding more fruit and vegetables to our daily diet, moving more, hydrating, reducing food waste and focusing on fibre. If your blood sugar is lower than usual, you might feel tired, irritable or your mood may be lower. Eating regularly and eating foods that release energy slowly can help keep your sugar levels steady.

Over the next few months, we’ll be sharing more about the most nutritious options across campuses and what happens behind the scenes to grow, select and prepare the ingredients in your favourite dishes.

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