The University of Southampton

University boosts innovation with new spinout company equity guide

Companies developed from our University – known as spinouts – will become even more attractive to investors and entrepreneurs due to a significant change to our approach to spinout equity.

Equity represents a percentage of ownership in the spinout company. Following an extensive consultation, the University has launched a new Spinout Equity Guide which reflects the decision to reduce the amount of equity it takes in University spinout companies from 33.3%, to 10% in Knowledge Intensive IP spinouts, and 5% in software spinouts.

Professor Mark Spearing, Vice-President (Research and Enterprise), said:

“I thoroughly support this new Spinout Equity Guide and wish to see many more spinouts emerge from the fantastic research and innovation work going on in our faculties. Our new equity levels are extremely progressive and ambitious and compliant with the Independent Spinout Review recommendations, and I hope it encourages our innovators to consider the spinout route.”

Southampton is one of the first universities in the country to adopt this innovation-friendly new approach which is aimed at boosting this important economic impact-generating activity. When a university spinout company is created the sharing of equity is agreed between the founder researchers and the University.

The new guide aims to improve the experience of spinout founders, incentivise academics and researchers to take part in spinout activity, provide improved terms for spinout founders and enhance the speed of deal-making by removing previous barriers to concluding negotiations.

Find more information:

Spin-out Equity Guide Briefing and Q & A sessions:

Information to help founders and leaders of innovative start-ups protect their technology, competitive advantage, and reputation:

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