The University of Southampton

Interdisciplinary Research ‘sound’ sandpit event – 31 July

The Interdisciplinary Research ‘Sound’ Sandpit will bring together potential collaborators from across the University to share research interests and ideas. We aim to create connections and begin conversations between researchers from diverse disciplines and perspectives, leading towards ideas for potential new research projects and grant applications. At the end of the event, participants will be invited to bid for funding from a pot of £30K to support innovative pilot projects emerging from the event. The Sandpit will be held on Tuesday 24 September (09:15-16:30) at Wide Lane Sports Ground, and the deadline for Expressions of Interest is Wednesday 31 July at 12:00.

Sound is an integral part of our daily experience, influencing our emotions, communication, environment, and even our health. Its study spans numerous disciplines, from the physics of acoustics and the physiology of hearing to the artistic realms of music, cutting-edge developments in audio technology and the use of sound in sensing the health of systems from humans to the environment, physical structures and beyond. By fostering an interdisciplinary dialogue, we aim to deepen our understanding of sound and its myriad applications. We welcome researchers focused on any aspect of these issues, from the impact of music on health to use of sound for environmental monitoring and everything in between.

The Sandpit is open to research and academic staff at the University of Southampton. We welcome participants from all disciplines and backgrounds. This event offers an opportunity to create new interdisciplinary connections and explore new ways of working. An interest in interdisciplinary research and a willingness to explore areas outside of your own expertise is important. In addition, you should be able to commit to attending the whole day to contribute to all aspects of the process from brainstorming to developing and refining research proposals.

Please note: As the program is highly interactive, we advise potential participants to ensure that they can commit to the full duration of the workshop (09:15-16:30) before submitting an Expression of Interest.

Please direct any queries to Toni Hunt, Project Officer (Research Funding), Research & Innovation Services, [email protected].

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