The University of Southampton

Clearing and Confirmation 2024

Preparations for Confirmation and Clearing 2024 are well underway. A-Level results will be released on Thursday 15 August, when the Clearing and Confirmation window will open.

Image of Highfield Campus with plastic UOS sign.

A key part of this preparation is ensuring that as an organisation we are results embargo ready. To support universities in their preparations for being results embargo ready, UCAS provides an embargo online training module.

When is the results embargo?

The SQA and JCQ results have two separate dates, and as such, there are two results embargo periods:

Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) results embargo: 18:00 Monday 29 July – 09:00 Tuesday 6 August.

Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) results embargo: 14:00 Friday 9 August – 08:00 Thursday 15 August.

How do I access the UCAS online 2024 results embargo training?

Most people will have completed their embargo training now, as we are well into the embargo period. But if you have not completed embargo training and you are part of Clearing and Confirmation, you will be able to access the embargo training via the UCAS training portal here. You do not need to log in to access this training. The training should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. At the end of the course you must click the survey button to provide your name and organisation details to complete your training.

Who needs to do the online results embargo training?

All staff involved in undergraduate admissions and recruitment related activity should complete the training. This is an anxious time of year for our applicants and they can make contact with us through a variety of channels. Sometimes even well-meaning communications can result in a breach. It is therefore important that as many staff as possible from across the University undertake the training to raise awareness and minimise the chances of an embargo breach. I would therefore appreciate it if you could share this message with your colleagues.

I did the training last year, do I have to do it again?

Yes. UCAS have made further improvements to the training for 2024 based on provider feedback, so even if you have completed the training in previous years, you should still undertake this year’s course. This is an annual activity and it is easy to forget crucial details, even for the most experienced staff.

If you have any questions, please contact Alistair Logan.

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