The University of Southampton

University awarded licence to establish India campus

The University of Southampton has become the first UK university to be granted a licence by the Indian government to create a campus in the country.

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University of Southampton Delhi will deliver education, research and knowledge exchange and enterprise activity. It will focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects, including computing and engineering, as well as business, law and design.

All programmes delivered by the University would be taught and assessed to the same quality and standard as the equivalent degree offered in the UK and enjoy the same recognition and status. On completion, students would graduate with a full University of Southampton degree.

Professor Mark E. Smith, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Southampton, said: “In the 21st century, no university can be truly global without engaging with India.  Our intention is to establish a campus that delivers social value and economic impact to India and the university by bringing together Southampton’s world class activities in education, research, and knowledge exchange and enterprise, with all the talent of the rising global superpower that is India.

“I am very grateful to Professor Andrew Atherton for leading this important initiative, and to all those colleagues who have contributed to discussions about this development so far and to the preparation of our successful application to the Indian government.

“The considerable engagement, particularly with Faculty boards and key groups in our education community, has been hugely valuable and will continue to be vital as we further progress these plans.”

The University has been active in India for more than 50 years, with many deep and mutually beneficial academic partnerships.

The new campus will enable Southampton to build on these links by amplifying research collaboration and impact, extending teaching partnerships, creating two-way student and staff mobility, and ensuring local civic and community engagement.

Professor Andrew Atherton, Vice-President International and Engagement, said: “University of Southampton Delhi will be the first comprehensive international campus in India. It will foster academic collaboration and bring an international dimension to the Indian higher education system, opening up opportunities to study for a top 100 degree in-country.

“We will develop world-class, work-ready graduates with specialist and transferable skills that will enhance India’s fast-growing knowledge economy. We will undertake research and knowledge exchange in partnership with local universities, industries and government and apply the results to deliver real-world social and economic impact.

“This is a hugely exciting initiative for India, and our university, and we thank the University Grants Commission of India, the Ministry of Education, the British High Commission, the Indian High Commission, and the British Council, for their confidence in our application.”

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