The University of Southampton

Connect with a mentee: Join the Career Mentoring Programme 2024/25

Do you want to inspire others by passing on your unique experience, career knowledge and expertise? The University of Southampton Career Mentoring Programme gives you the opportunity to support students and recent graduates with their transition from study into graduate employment.

Mentoring creates fantastic opportunities to share relevant and up-to-date career sector or employability-focused advice and help. We are looking to recruit mentors from all different industries and walks of life to support our students.

A mentor and mentee during a meeting with the caption “Engage with us and connect with a mentee


  • Career Mentoring is an excellent way for both you and your mentee to learn and develop key mentoring skills.
  • Mentoring is a valuable skill in the workplace and is increasingly encouraged by employers.
  • Increase exposure for your department, and unlock and discover fresh talent.
  • Gain further access to networks and contacts within the University.
  • Embrace the opportunity to give something back, particularly for University of Southampton alumni.

Key information

  • Our Career Mentoring Programme is open to students and recent graduates from any degree discipline.
  • We recommend that mentors meet with their student mentees at least four times per year – we also accept fully remote mentoring.
  • Mentor applications open from mid-July to mid-September.
  • All mentors must attend a training session before being matched with a mentee.
  • The Career Mentoring team are on hand for any support throughout the relationship.

To find out more, email [email protected] or simply Apply now!

Quote –

“When I was a student mentoring was not a ‘thing’, but it is now and I am so fortunate that my employer supports my mentoring activities. Mentoring students and early-in-career professionals is such a rewarding activity. Being able to help them find their confidence and explore the art of the possible in terms of future careers is fantastic”

Sanne Dahlerup-Meysen, Microsoft


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