The University of Southampton

Faculty of Arts & Humanities Generative Artificial Intelligence Working Week

The Faculty of Arts & Humanities is pleased to invite colleagues to a Working Week exploring Generative AI this September (Monday 16 to Friday 20 September). Whatever your level of comfort or experience with gen AI, you are welcome to come along—the week is pitched for everyone!

The week will include workshops and keynotes to discuss the use of AI in the classroom and in our work, featuring specialist speakers from across the University and other HE institutions. A range of topics will be explored from learning what AI tools are available, using AI in the classroom and across the University of Southampton, to using AI in the professional services.

Whilst many of the webinars are focused on Arts & Humanities education, we invite colleagues from across the University to join the sessions and share best practice. If you or your team are starting to think about training or upskilling with gen AI, this is a great chance to find some ideas about how to get started.

Generative AI Working Week Schedule

Below you’ll find the schedule of workshops taking place throughout the FAH Gen AI Working Week this September. To find out more and register for an event, please select the event title, and complete the Teams Webinar registration, you will then receive a calendar invitation. All sessions will be held online except for one in person workshop on Wednesday afternoon.

Monday 16 September

09.30: Future Directions for Generative Artificial Intelligence in Arts and Humanities Education. Our external keynote offers a comprehensive overview of future directions of travel for gen AI in our sector.

11:00: Generative AI in education at Southampton – our position and Generative AI tools and LLMs – how do they work and what does the future hold? Double-hander keynote with two Southampton speakers, reflecting on the University and sector position.

14:00: AI in Art and Design: approaches to understanding AI in Arts and Humanities education. Our third keynote discusses how AI presents challenges and opportunities for arts and humanities education.

Tuesday 17 September

10:00: Good practice using gen AI in FAH. Showcasing innovative classroom use of gen AI from across the Faculty of Arts & Humanities.

13:00: AI and professional services. This session will focus on back office uses of gen AI by professional services – all welcome!

Wednesday 18 September

11:30: Good practice using generative AI across UoS. Come and hear from colleagues outside FAH about some great ideas for classroom use of AI, from right across the University.

14:00: Large language models and the humanities: An in-person workshop with Giles Bergel, Oxford. (13:15 buffet lunch, session starts at 14:00). Please complete this MS Form to register for this session.

Giles will offer a talk and hands-on workshop exploring the use of computer vision for humanities research, especially cultural heritage, and book history.

Thursday 19 September

09:30: Q&A on academic responsibility and conduct and artificial intelligence. Come and hear from colleagues experienced in academic integrity around the impacts of generative AI.

11:30: International students and artificial intelligence. Come and hear from our panel of international students about their unique insights into use of generative AI.

14:00: AI and EDI. AI presents a range of ethical challenges: come along for a reflective session on what these are, and how to tackle them.

Friday 20 September

09:00: Supporting your students to work in an AI-enabled world. AI will have a huge impact on the world of work: come along to discuss how we can best prepare them.

11:00 Final closing plenary session – what next for FAH and generative AI? In this closing session, we will follow up on the Copilot task and look forward to next steps for generative AI and the Faculty.


Note: Generative Artificial Intelligence tools are computer models which can generate text, image, audio or video responses if they are given a suitable prompt, such as a question e.g. ChatGPT, DALL-e, CoPilot.

If you have any questions about any of the FAH Gen AI Working Week events, please contact [email protected]


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